Sommit’s Delta Connection MH CDX GN BN OA OAJ AWC RN
DOB: September 14 2015

Bijou took High In Trial at her first novice obedience trial and Zephyr won his Open B class.
Bijou has turned out just as we’d hoped; athletic, intelligent and biddable. Her mom, Kara, was a wonderful field dog and her dad is Repo so she comes by all this naturally. Bijou has never met a dog sport that she didn’t like but she is perfectly happy crawling on your lap to cuddle if you let her. She has competed in hunt tests, obedience and agility and earned her Master Hunter title in June 2021 in a record 2 months time! Right after her excellent field accomplishments she dove into obedience earning her CD title with 3 blue ribbons in a row and taking 2 high in trial wins out of 7 trials including 3 198.5/200 and a 199.5. This girl just loves to work and is taking us on an excellent adventure.