
Sommit’s Leeloo Dallas Multipass CD BN RN

D.O.B. June 16, 2018

Leeloo shaking it off

Leeloo is a committee dog; owned by Sue Sommer, Linda Waco, and Sue’s daughter and son-in-law Maggie Sommer and Chris Morrison. She was born in Wisconsin, traveled to Texas to live with Sue and then moved to California with Maggie and Chris. When Chris was deployed overseas as part of his Air Force duties (thanks Chris!) back she came to stay temporarily with “Gramma” in Texas. If only dogs earned frequent flier miles!

Leeloo is making the best of her Texas sabbatical by competing in AKC Obedience and Rally with Sue. In a short time (after a long Covid break) she earned Rally Novice and Beginner Novice and CD titles. Leeloo loves people, retrieving, swimming, obedience, and did we mention swimming? She has all health clearances and is a wonderfully athletic Labrador.